Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bleach Episode 230 - Unexpected Supprise XD

I just finished watching Bleach 230 right after back from work lolz.Wow... I wasnt expected this filler...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sudden meal :P

'Hey, I spot McD! lets go in!! Ojamashimasu~~ XD''Yes... gonna eat it all~!! ^^;; Itadakimasu~ nom...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Macro Studio - Do It Yourself ^^

As you can see above, I didnt really like the shot i took, also the lighting are not that good, didnt...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bleach - New Filler Arc begins next week >_<;;

Just marathon-ed few eps of Bleach (220 - 229) ^^;;Darn.. it was just the time im feeling excited after...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

MG Exia Ignition Mode Review Part 7 and Part 8~ EDITED

EDIT - Part 8 (Weapons) are now available - click here for more imagesYeap.. Gunpla Secret Base just...

Haruhi (2009) Ep 16 - More Endless Eight! >_<;;

Yay!!! more Endless Eight~ RiiigghhttPretty much same like all past Endless Eight eps.. lol, but never...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

MG Exia Ignition Mode Features Launched @ Bandai Hobbysite

Its a bout time.. full list of unique features of MG Exia Ignition ModeIKUZEEE~~Multi-colored runners...

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