Friday, July 24, 2009

Macro Studio - Do It Yourself ^^

As you can see above, I didnt really like the shot i took, also the lighting are not that good, didnt really use better light since i dont know how. Im really noob at photograph >_<

I have been searching on net bout cheap way to have professional looking photograph for my gunpla stuffs. Found a way on some website, they called it Macro Studio. What exactly is Macro Studio?

Well.. its pretty much like the big photograph studio just the different is, this one are used for photograph small things. Here some sites that i found that shows you how to do it yourself building Macro Studio~

Cardboard type Macro Studio

Pipe type Macro Studio

I choose to make Macro Studio using pipe which is more stable and durable ^^

My setup, using normal home lamp instead flash lamp >_<

here are my result on HG Arios

I dont like foil sticker >_<, still waiting for my paints to arrive T_T

Not the best pose, but the DIY Macro Studio did the job.. i like how the lighting are.. might put another light on the other side to eliminate shadows there,

Some other test photo~~

Panasonic AA Batteries... come with my LZ8 camera when I bought it ^^

Yes... its my glasses ^^

my 'nasakenai' cellphone... pretty much banged up there >_<;;
Using Halogen lamp I found (yellow), when took the photo it has a lil bit redish
edited it in Photoshop ^^;;

I really need to buy tripod, my hand shakes all the way taking photos lol.

Thats all for today..

next will be WIP on HG 00 Raiser DC, also going to add some finishing on my other gunpla >_< huhu


hey, nice try on your photoshoot. i have an arios too which i took some photos of it recently. great site you have. keep it up ya!

thanks!! well.. im kinda still noob and still learning.. my arios was just snap-fit for a while, untill i got proper tool to sand it and pain. oh.. show me~~ i wanna see others work too :P, thanks again man~ ^^

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