Thursday, September 24, 2009

Raya Supprise! XD

Today I went out with my friend, went Raya to my other friend's house ^^, after back to home, I found...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finally its HERE!! and some WIP update ^^;;

Its been a while lol, near 3 weeks since last post haha..YES!! FINALLY ITS HERE!!! no.. unfortunately...

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Sayonara Streamyx, Yokoso! P1 Wimax!

Ossu! Its been a while since last post ^^;;Alot happened these past few weeks,first... my paints shipping got some delay, so I guess will got it early this month (September)Second... A lil bit progress on my HG 00 Raiser DC, will post WIP soon enoughThird... the Nightmare ~_~ my Streamyx refuse to...

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