Saturday, September 10, 2011

To Aru Shumi no Tsukinari goes mobile~

More user friendly to view my blog ^^  ....

Recently I went to see and read my blog via Mobile and my Mini Pro loads it fine.. but for mobile view its just too much going on.. and takes a while to loads... further more the page got small since it shows all the stuffs on the page and had to zoom in to clearly read it..
So I did some research and read blogger dev blog and stumble upon new stuffs in all new improved blogger dashboard.. apparently Google add a nice feature on  Template section that they add new mobile function.. Basically all the did is just took the post area and make it fit to mobile.. which is what I'm looking for XD.. Altho that you cant choose custom template.. but I didnt mind it coz I will view it on mobile anyway.. no need extra stuffs cramped on my mobile screen ^^... so I choose already made template that matches my current custom template for my blog.. which is dark color.. and I previewed it and it works really well ^^

Really glad that Google took time to add mobile function on blogger which makes more viewer can read blogs on the go!.. Kudos Google! XD


Then make a TSUkInARi Mobile :D.
plays* classic batman theme song. NannanananananananananananannNana batman

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